Friday, February 21, 2020

Explain how Germany OR Denmark has sought to have both some security Essay

Explain how Germany OR Denmark has sought to have both some security and flexibility in its labour markets. Have these approach - Essay Example These market factors may include the compensation packages, daily wage rates, additional benefits and the most important one is the involvement of technology involved in the industry. As much as there is technology involvement the demand of labor will be affected by this. The fluctuation of labor market also indicates the unemployment or the employment rate of any economy. This unemployment rate is high if more technology is involved in any industry otherwise it will be low. There are certain numbers of economies who have maintained their employment rates by utilizing the entire available workforce. Germany is one of the economies who have managed their available and also potential labor and thus maintaining the labor market also. Main Body: Due to the involvement of technology in almost each and every sector, now the conditions or we can say the requirements of the labor market are very much changed. Now the companies need a highly skilled and capable work force which can be a sourc e of competitive advantage for them. The available labor at the lowest possible cost can be a foundation of competitive advantage. The quantity of labor and the capabilities of labor may be inversely related to each other. ... This willingness or the eagerness can take them even across the boundaries also. Germany is at fourth position among the largest economies in the world and also has a strong industrial base. It is also included in the list of those economies that enjoy a major part of revenues from foreign trade. There are certain medium and even small companies that cover almost two third of the workforce of the country. Germany is currently included in the list of those countries that are enjoying the lowest unemployment rates as compare to the other economies of the world. Particularly there is a variety of job availability for the young professionals also. For maintaining the labor work force, Germany is doing a good job among European Union Countries also. Even in some regions of the Germany, specifically in Southern parts there is a full employment situation also just because of managing the work force availability at a proper and right time. Companies try to utilize the fresh and energetic you ng professionals by giving them apprenticeship during or just after their studies and thus giving them training also (Germany’s Vibrant Labor Market). If the companies find the required talents during the apprenticeship then they may also hire these young individuals as a permanent employee for their organization. This managed work force or we can say the developed labor market is not very old in the Germany. In 2005 the unemployment rate of German economy was the highest one as compare to other countries. But then the Government officials handle it. And now they have excelled over it. There can be two reasons for this almost full employment situation. One can be the Government economic

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